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    $10,000 | Presenting Sponsor

  • Two reserved table for 20 guests
  • Preferred seating
  • Tickets for 20 guests to the Pre-Gala VIP Reception
  • Opportunity to make welcome/closing remarks from stage
  • Prominent brand placement in pre-function area
  • Brand recognition in select print and electronic media
  • Full-page color advertisement with preferred placement in souvenir program
  • Logo displayed on a sponsor video presentation
  • Special gift for guests seated at your table
  • Opportunity to provide branded gifts to attendees

    $5000 | Gold Sponsor
  • One reserved table for 10 guests
  • Preferred seating
  • Tickets for 10 guests to the Pre-Gala VIP Reception
  • Prominent brand placement in pre-function area
  • Brand recognition in select print and electronic media
  • Full-page color advertisement in souvenir program
  • Logo displayed on a sponsor video presentation
  • Opportunity to provide branded gifts to attendees

    $3500 | Silver Sponsor
  • One reserved table for 10 guests
  • Preferred seating
  • Tickets for 5 guests to the Pre-Gala VIP Reception
  • Half-page four-color advertisement in souvenir program
  • Company name listed as part of sponsor video presentation
  • Brand recognition in select print and electronic media
  • Opportunity to provide branded gifts to attendees

    $2500 | Bronze Sponsor
  • Reserved table for 10 guests
  • Tickets for 4 guests to the Pre-Gala VIP Reception
  • Company listing in souvenir program
  • Opportunity to provide branded gifts to attendees

    $2000 |Table Host
  • Listing in souvenir program
  • Tickets for 2 guests to the Pre-Gala VIP Reception
  • Reserved table for 10 guests
  • Company name listed as part of sponsor video presentation

    VIP Admission Ticket - $200

  • Admission to the Pre-Gala VIP Reception

    Individual Ticket - $160